Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. -Desmond Tutu

Featured Video:

DOWNLOAD: Peace Day Philly Toolkit


Article: How Community Policing Can Work

Philadelphia Neighbors Push Back Crime By Getting to Know Police

Rise Up America, Be Better. Our Humanity Requires It.

Local Community Resources

Anti-Defamation League – Responding to Hate Information and Resources

The Dialogue Institute

Good Shepherd Mediation Program
Video: What is Mediation and Why Is It Valuable?

The Mayors Commission on Human Relations

Mothers In Charge

The Mural Arts Porch Light Program This project strives to spark awareness and dialogue about the role that mental health plays in our overall peace and wellness as individuals and communities.

National Liberty Museum Professional Trainings

Operation Save Our City

The Peace Center

Philadelphia Association of Community Development Associations

National Resources, Peacebuilding and Advocacy

National Peace Academy

River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding

The Peace Alliance

Trauma Informed resources, Crisis Intervention

The Healing Power of Art and Beauty – Lily Yeh

Gardening Initiatives Building Community and Wellness

Philly Urban Creators
Turning Lots Into Urban Gardens Article

Camden’s Urban Promise Gardening/Wellness Program

Earth’s Keepers

Mantua Urban Peace Garden

North Philly Peace Park

10 Urban Gardens In Philadelphia You Can’t Miss

Refugees Find Peace, Establish Roots with Urban Gardens

Economic Cost of Violence In Communities

U.S. Violence Containment costs around 15% of Gross Domestic Product each year and is the largest discrete industry. What would happen if we directed some of those funds to peacebuilding initiatives?

Statistics on Violence and Peace – The Peace Alliance

Economic Cost of Violence Containment – The Institute for Economics and Peace